HomeTag: Avian Influenza

Avian Influenza

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—June 10, 2024

Avian Influenza: USDA Announces Additional Funding, New Voluntary Bulk Milk Testing Pilot Program 🌾
On May 30, 2024, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that the agency is providing an additional $824 million in funding and resources to address and prevent the spread of H5N1 (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A) in livestock and poultry. Additionally, USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has launched a new Voluntary H5N1 Dairy Herd Status Pilot Program as an alternative to the testing and reporting requirements mandated by APHIS’s April 24, 2024 Federal Order. USDA states that participation in the pilot […]

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—June 4, 2024

NEW Publication: HPAI in Dairy Cattle: Is Pasteurization Dairy’s Only Reliable Protection?, Southern Ag Today—Brook Duer, Center Staff Attorney

Related Webinar: July 17, 2024, “HPAI in Poultry and Cattle: How Can We Miss You if You Won’t Go Away?,” Staff Attorney Brook Duer Presents with the National Agricultural Law Center.

Water Quality: Supreme Court to Hear Challenge to Clean Water Act ‘Generic Prohibitions’ 🌾
On May 28, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court granted a petition for writ of certiorari to hear an appeal of a July 2023 decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which […]

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—May 17, 2024

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Food Safety: FDA Publishes Final Rule for Pre-Harvest Agricultural Water
On May 6, 2024, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published in the Federal Register a final rule (89 FR 37448), which amends the requirements and procedures for assessing “pre-harvest agricultural water” used on covered produce, other than sprouts. Under the final […]

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—April 15, 2024

Ag-Gag Statutes: Kentucky Legislature Passes ‘Agricultural Key Infrastructure Asset Trespass Law,’ Overrides Governor Veto 🌾
On April 12, 2024, the Kentucky legislature overrode the governor’s veto to pass into law Senate Bill 16, titled “An Act Relating to Agricultural Key Infrastructure Assets” (with votes totaling 32-6 in the House and 71-26 in the Senate). The law adds three types of facilities to the definition of “key infrastructure assets”—(1) “a commercial food manufacturing or processing facility,” (2) “an animal feeding operation,” and (3) “a concentrated animal feeding operation”—and establishes that a person “commits the offense of trespass upon key infrastructure […]

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—April 10, 2024

Conservation Programs: Fish and Wildlife Service Publishes Three Endangered Species Act Final Rules 🌾
On April 5, 2024, the U.S. Department of the Interior’s (DOI) Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) published in the Federal Register three final rules revising regulations for “Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants.” The first rule, “Listing Endangered and Threatened Species and Designating Critical Habitat” (89 FR 24300), amends the “procedures and criteria used for listing, reclassifying, and delisting species” and specifies that endangered and threatened species determinations shall be made “without reference to possible economic or other impacts of such determination.” The second rule, […]

April 10th, 2024|Tags: , , , |

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—April 1, 2024

Air Quality: SEC Publishes ‘Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors’ Final Rule 🌾
On March 28, 2024, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published in the Federal Register a final rule (89 FR 21668) that will require U.S.-listed public companies “to provide certain climate-related information in their registration statements and annual reports.” Also announced by SEC, the rule will require companies to provide “information about a registrant’s climate-related risks that have materially impacted, or are reasonably likely to have a material impact on, its business strategy, results of operations, or financial condition.” According to the rule, “an agricultural producer or […]

March 31st, 2024|Tags: , , |

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—January 24, 2024

National Agricultural Policy: Continuing Resolution Funds Government, Agriculture Until March 1, 2024 🌾
On January 19, 2024, President Joe Biden signed into law continuing resolution H.R.2872, which maintains the funding levels established in the 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act (P.L. 117–328) for “Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies” and other government programs and agencies until March 1, 2024. The programs were previously funded through January 19, 2024, under continuing resolution H.R.6363, passed November 16, 20223. Congress passed the continuing resolutions in the absence of a 2024 Consolidated Appropriations Act.

National Agricultural Policy: GAO Publishes Report on […]

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—January 8, 2024

Animal Welfare: California’s Proposition 12 Fully Effective January 1, 2024, Producer Certification Required 🌾
On January 1, 2024, California’s Proposition 12 and implementing regulations became fully effective, establishing the state’s Animal Care Program and requiring third-party certification for producers (HSC §§ 25990-25994 and 3 CCR §§ 1320-1327.3). According to a publication from the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), as of January 1, 2024, (1) “[p]roducers are required to have a valid Certificate of Compliance,” (2) “[c]overed products sold are required to be from producers with valid Certificates of Compliance,” and (3) “[d]istributors are required to […]

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—December 4, 2023

International Trade: Panel Report Finds Canada’s Dairy Tariff-Rate Quotas ‘Not Inconsistent’ with USMCA 🌾
On November 10, 2023, the dispute settlement panel formed under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) published its final report concerning Canada’s dairy tariff-rate quota (TRQ) allocation measures. Also announced by the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), the report concluded that “Canada’s measures are not inconsistent with the USMCA provisions cited by the United States.” However, “[a] dissenting panelist agreed with the United States that by excluding retailers and others, Canada was breaching its commitment to make its dairy TRQs available to all applicants active in the […]

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—November 20, 2023

Antitrust: DOJ Files Complaint, Proposed Consent Decree to Prohibit Koch Foods’ Contract Termination Penalty Fees 🌾
On November 9, 2023, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, a complaint alleging that poultry producer Koch Foods, Inc. “anticompetitively and unfairly required chicken farmers, or growers, to pay Koch a termination penalty to switch from working for Koch to a rival chicken processor.” United States v. Koch Foods, No. 1:23-cv-15813. Also announced by DOJ, the complaint states that “Koch’s termination penalty . . amounted to more than half of […]