HomeTag: Pesticides


Agricultural Law Weekly Review – October 31, 2019

Industrial Hemp/Cannabis: USDA Releases Interim Final Rule for Domestic Hemp Production
On October 29, 2019, USDA publicly announced and released the text of its interim regulations governing domestic hemp production.  The interim final rule implements Section 10113 of the 2018 Farm Bill and various new sections of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, which it amended. Once published in the Federal Register, the rule will be immediately effective and expire after two years.  In the meantime, there will be a 60-day comment period and thereafter USDA anticipates issuing its final rule.  The rule adds new part 990 (“Domestic Hemp Production”) to 7 CFR. As stated […]

October 31st, 2019|Tags: , , , , |

Agricultural Law Weekly Review – October 24, 2019

Invasive Species: USDA Announces Plum Pox Virus Eradicated in U.S.
On October 17, 2019, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Greg Ibach announced the elimination of Plum Pox Virus (PPV) within the United States.  PPV is a viral disease-causing deformities and decay in stone fruits such as peaches, nectarines, apricots, almonds, cherries, and plums, which typically exhibit severe symptoms.  PPV can also infect popular garden items including tomatoes, peas, petunias, and zinnias.  According to the USDA, while PPV does not kill trees and is not harmful to humans or animals, it lowers fruit production and marketability, causing economic damage to […]
October 24th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |

Agricultural Law Weekly Review – October 17, 2019

Disaster Assistance Programs: Federal Disaster Aid Available for Farmers in Five Pennsylvania Counties
On October 8, 2019, Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding announced the eligibility of farmers in Beaver, Crawford, Erie, Lawrence, and Mercer Counties to receive federal disaster aid.  Due to excessive wet weather from January 1 through August 20, 2019, USDA designated 24 counties in Ohio as “primary natural disaster areas.”  The listed five Pennsylvania counties qualify as “contiguous counties” and are thereby eligible for assistance through several federal programs, namely emergency farm loans.  Among other criteria, farmers in a designated or contiguous county must have experienced at least a 30% […]
October 23rd, 2019|Tags: , , |

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—August 29, 2019

Checkoff Programs: Court Dismisses Challenge Regarding Use of Pork Checkoff Funds
On August 23, 2019, the U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit dismissed a lawsuit alleging that the government improperly used funds collected under the pork checkoff program (Humane Society of the United States v. Perdue, No. 18-5188).  Under the Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act, the government may collect “assessments” from producers for the purpose of “strengthen[ing] the position of the pork industry in the marketplace.”  Known as “checkoffs,” these assessments are paid by producers to the National Pork Board (Board) who in turn uses the […]

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—August 15, 2019

Pesticides: EPA Will Not Approve Labels Asserting that Glyphosate Causes Cancer
On August 8, 2019, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a press release stating that the agency “will no longer approve product labels claiming glyphosate is known to cause cancer.”  According to EPA, such claims are false and as such do “not meet the labeling requirements of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act.”  EPA’s statement is a direct reaction to California’s Proposition 65 which requires an established list of chemicals determined by the state to “cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.”  If a chemical is on the list, […]

August 15th, 2019|Tags: , , , |

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—August 8, 2019

Pesticides: California Couple Agrees to Reduced Roundup Damage Award
On July 26, 2019, Plaintiffs Alva and Alberta Pilliod agreed to reduce a jury award from over $2 billion to over $86 million for alleged harm caused by Monsanto Company’s glyphosate-based weed killer Roundup (Pilliod, et al. v. Monsanto Company, et al. Case No RG17862702).  The Pilliods alleged that exposure to Roundup caused them both to develop non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.  On May 13, 2019, a California jury found that Monsanto Company’s actions regarding its product Roundup entitled Mr. Pilliod to over $37 million for economic and noneconomic loss and $1 billion in punitive […]

August 8th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—July 25, 2019

Pesticides: Court Reduces Jury Award in Roundup Case
On July 17, 2019, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California reduced a jury damage award regarding the herbicide Roundup from over $80 million to over $25 million (Hardeman v Monsanto Company, 3:16-cv-00525).  Previously, a jury found that plaintiff Edwin Hardeman’s non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma was caused by Monsanto’s glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup.  According to the jury, Monsanto had negligently failed to warm Mr. Hardeman of the risks associated with Roundup.  As a result, Mr. Hardeman was awarded $5,267,634.10 in compensatory damages and $75,000,000 in punitive damages.  The court ruled, however, that while “[t]he […]

July 25th, 2019|Tags: , , , |

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—July 18, 2019

Dairy Policy: PA Milk Marketing Board Proposes Extension to Notice Requirement to Terminate Dealer-Producer Contracts
On July 13, 2019, the Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board (MMB) published notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin of a proposed rule to extend the Commonwealth’s dairy dealer-producer contract termination notice requirement from 28 days to 90 days (49 Pa.B. 3606).  According to MMB, the proposed extension is to allow dairy producers additional time to secure alternate outlets for their products prior to a termination.  The proposed rule, however, does provide dealers with an exception to the 90-day termination notice requirement if the dealer experiences “financial hardship, […]

July 18th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |