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Food Safety

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—Week Ending October 28, 2022

Antitrust: Court Approves $42 Million Smithfield Settlement in Pork Antitrust Litigation 🌾
On October 19, 2022, the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota issued an order approving a $42 million settlement between Smithfield Foods Inc. and the commercial and institutional indirect purchasers in the civil class action pork price-fixing case, In Re Pork Antitrust Litigation, D. Minn., No. 18-cv-1776. This multi-district litigation is comprised of three separate class actions and classes of plaintiffs: (1) direct purchaser wholesalers; (2) commercial and institutional indirect purchasers; and (3) consumer indirect purchasers. Smithfield is currently in the process of gaining court […]

November 3rd, 2022|Tags: , , , , |

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—Week Ending October 21, 2022

Animal Welfare: Utah State Jury Finds Animal Activist Not Guilty of Burglary and Theft for Taking Two Piglets from Smithfield-Owned Swine Operation 🌾
On October 8, 2022, a Utah state court jury found Wayne Hsiung not guilty of theft and burglary for removing two piglets from a swine production facility owned and operated by Smithfield Foods’ Circle Four Farms while conducting an undercover investigation of the facility in March 2017. Utah v. Hsiung, No. 181500061 (5th Dist. Utah).  Hsiung, a member of the animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere, was indicted and arrested in May 2018, although […]

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—Week Ending August 19, 2022

 National Agriculture Policy: Inflation Reduction Act Signed Into Law
On August 16, 2022, President Joe Biden signed into law H.R.5376, known as the “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022,” which appropriates $750 billion through 2031 for numerous federal programs, prioritizing renewable energy, climate, and healthcare initiatives.  The Act allocates approximately $38 billion for agriculture and rural development, down from the previous November 2021 version of the bill, known as the Build Back Better Act, which would have provided $80 billion for agricultural programs. The 2022 Act includes

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—Week Ending July 22, 2022

Antitrust:  Federal Poultry Processing Wage Suppression Suit Alleging National Conspiracy Survives Motions to Dismiss 🌾
On July 19, 2022, U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland issued an opinion on five motions to dismiss the third amended complaint in this 2019 putative class action case titled Judy Jein, et al. v. Perdue Farms, Inc., et al. No. 19-2521 (USDC MD), based upon Sherman Act antitrust violations on behalf of workers at various poultry processing plants. The class action alleges that the defendant manufacturers conspired to depress wages and share compensation data in order to do so. The twenty-six […]

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—Week Ending June 17, 2022

Animal Welfare: U.S. Solicitor General Argues Proposition 12 is Unconstitutional ⚡
On June 17, 2022, the U.S. Solicitor General filed an Amicus Curiae Brief in the case of National Pork Producers Council, et al. v. Ross, et al., No 21-468, currently pending before the U.S. Supreme Court setting forth the position of the United States government that the State of California’s Proposition 12 animal confinement law made applicable to out-of-state production of pork products sold in California violates the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution. On June 14, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court set oral argument in […]

Agricultural Law Weekly Review—Week Ending April 15, 2022

Avian Influenza: USDA Confirms HPAI in Pennsylvania Commercial Layer Flock 🌾
On April 16, 2022, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) confirmed highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in a commercial layer premise in East Donegal Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.  The positive sample was taken on April 14, 2022, at a Kreider Farms-operated facility housing approximately 1.4 million layers, tested positive at the Pennsylvania Veterinary Laboratory and then confirmed by the National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa.  PDA announced that it has quarantined, through an order of special quarantine, the affected farm […]

April 21st, 2022|Tags: , , , , , |

Agricultural Law Weekly Review – Week Ending October 15, 2021

WOTUS: EPA and Department of the Army Announce Call for Stakeholder Roundtable Nominations 🌾
On October 13, 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of the Army (Army) announced that they are seeking nominations for ten regional roundtables, two in each of five defined U.S. geographic regions (Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, West, and Southwest), to inform the agencies on the unique geographical contexts and impacts of “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) as EPA and Army develop a new WOTUS rule.  The agencies invite stakeholders to identify and submit nominations proposing a participant roster of no more […]

October 19th, 2021|Tags: , , , , |

Agricultural Law Weekly Review – Week Ending October 8, 2021

Biofuels: Biofuel Advocacy Group Files Supreme Court Petition for Review of E15 Vacatur 🌾
On October 7, 2021, biofuel advocacy group Growth Energy filed a petition for writ of certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the court to review the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit’s July 2021 vacatur of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) rule allowing year-round sales of fifteen percent ethanol fuel blend (E15).  Growth Energy v. American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, et al., No. 21-519.  Growth Energy previously filed for a rehearing of the case, which was denied by […]

Agricultural Law Weekly Review – Week Ending July 2, 2021

Animal Welfare: U.S. Supreme Court Denies Review of Refusal to Grant Injunction Against California’s Proposition 12 🌾
On June 28, 2021, the Supreme Court of the United States denied North American Meat Institute’s (NAMI) petition for certiorari from the refusal to grant an injunction against California’s Proposition 12 on the basis that it violates the U.S. Constitution’s Commerce Clause.  North American Meat Institute v. Rob Bonta, Attorney General of California, et al., No. 20-1215Proposition 12 establishes in-state animal confinement standards for egg-laying hens, veal calves, and breeding sows and prohibits the in-state sale of noncompliant products (included […]

Agricultural Law Weekly Review – Week Ending June 25, 2021

Biofuels: U.S. Supreme Court Allows Non-Continuous Small Refinery Renewable Fuels Standard Blending Obligation Waiver Extensions 🌾
On June 25, 2021, the Supreme Court of the United States issued an opinion holding that a small refinery that previously received a waiver from Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) blending obligations may still receive an “extension” of the waiver even if it did not acquire a continuous waiver in previous years and allowed a previous exemption to lapse.  HollyFrontier Cheyenne Refining, LLC, et al., v. Renewable Fuels Association, et al., No. 20-472.  The court found that the term “extension,” which is undefined in […]