Oil and Gas Regulations
Shale Law Weekly Review—Week of July 25, 2022
Oil and Gas Regulation: Well Plugging Bill Becomes Law in Pennsylvania ⚡
On July 19, 2022, Pennsylvania bill, HB 2644, which establishes and allocates funds to an Orphan Well Plugging Grant Program (“Program”) became law, effective immediately. Funding for the Program will be used to receive and approve applications, provide civil liability for well pluggers, and issue grants to plug oil and gas wells. The bill will also set criteria for which wells qualify for the program and who qualifies as a well plugger.
LNG Exports: Sierra Club Files Lawsuit Appealing Driftwood LNG Permit
On July 19, 2022, filed a petition […]
Shale Law Weekly Review—Week of July 11, 2022
Oil and Gas Regulation: PA General Assembly Passes Well Plugging Bill ⚡
On July 7, 2022, the Pennsylvania Senate and House both passed HB 2644. The bill would establish and allocate funds to the Orphan Well Plugging Grant Program (Program). Funding through this program would be used to receive and approve applications, provide civil liability for well pluggers, and issue grants to plug oil and gas wells. The bill would also set criteria for which wells qualify for the program and who qualifies as a well plugger. The bill was presented to Governor Wolf on July 8, 2022.
Municipal Regulation: PA […]
Shale Law Weekly Review—Week of July 4, 2022
Oil and Gas Leasing: Lawsuit Filed Challenging Federal Leasing Sales ⚡
On June 28, 2022, several conservation groups filed a lawsuit challenging the U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s approval of the sale of 173 oil and gas leasing parcels. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District Court of Columbia, includes groups such as the Sierra Club, Center for Biological Diversity, and Dakota Resource Council. The conservation groups’ argument is that the approvals violated the National Environmental Policy Act and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act by failing to […]
Shale Law Weekly Review—Week of June 20, 2022
Air Quality: PA DEP Releases Rulemaking Proposal for VOC Emissions ⚡
On June 14, 2022, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection held a meeting and released a Final Rulemaking regarding volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. It affects the following VOC sources, “storage vessels; natural gas-driven continuous bleed pneumatic controllers; natural gas-driven diaphragm pumps; reciprocating and centrifugal compressors; and fugitive emissions components.” In addition, the rulemaking includes EPA’s emission limits based on “reasonably available control technology,” otherwise known as RACT requirements. An executive summary can be found here. Next, the DEP will submit the rulemaking to the U.S. Environmental Protection […]
Overview of Recent Local Oil and Gas Moratoria in Colorado Following the Passage of Senate Bill 19-181
On April 16, 2019, Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed Senate Bill No. 19-181 into law, increasing the focus on environmental and public health concerns in the oil and gas governance process in Colorado. Among other things, the legislation mandates that the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission develop and promulgate a number of rules to ensure that development takes place in a manner that is consistent with the Commission’s primary interest to protect people, wildlife, and the environment from the impacts of oil and gas activities. In addition, the legislation increases the authority of local governments […]
EPA Issues Determination to Continue RCRA Exemption for Oil and Gas Wastes
Written by Chloe Marie – Research Specialist
In a regulatory determination dated April 2019, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has indicated that revisions to the federal regulations for the management of wastes associated with the exploration, development, and production (E&P) of crude oil and natural gas under Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) will not be necessary at this time by the agency. In reaching this conclusion, EPA carried out a comprehensive review of published literature and government documents as well as state regulations and programs relating to the management and ultimate disposal of […]
Colorado Legislature Revises Statutory Framework for Regulation of Oil and Gas Development
Written by Chloe Marie – Research Specialist
On April 16, 2019, Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed Senate Bill No. 19-181 into law, significantly amending the regulation of the oil and gas industry within the state. This new legislation aims to increase the focus on environmental and public health concerns in the oil and gas governance process.
Increases Consideration on Environmental and Public Health Concerns
Senate Bill No. 19-181 emphasizes that the primary interest of the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission [Commission] now is in regulating – as opposed to fostering – the development of oil and gas […]
Overview of Recent Oil and Gas Regulatory and Legal Developments in Colorado
Written by Chloe Marie – Research Specialist
Last November, national attention was focused on Colorado as voters considered, and ultimately rejected Proposition 112, which would have imposed rigorous set-back requirements upon oil and gas operations within the state. Since that time, while not getting as much attention as Proposition 112, a number of legal and regulatory developments have occurred within Colorado. These developments have attempted to address, or have been initiated due to concerns over, the impacts of oil and gas activities in the state. This article will provide a brief overview of some of these recent […]