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John Leshy, America’s Public Lands: What History Suggests about Their Future, 34 Colo. Nat. Resources Energy & Env’t L. Rev. 1 (2023)

Mary Greene, Reforming Oil and Gas Leasing on Public Lands, 45 Vt. L. Rev. 575 (2021)

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Thomas R. Delehanty, Executive Authority to Keep It in the Ground: An Administrative End to Oil and Gas Leasing on Federal Land, 35 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 145 (2017)

Monte Mills, What Should Tribes Expect from Federal Regulations? The Bureau of Land Management’s Fracking Rule and the Problems with Treating Indian and Federal Lands Identically, Public Land and Resources Law Review: Vol. 37, Art. 5 (2016)

Dana E. Dupre, What Makes the United States Offshore Leasing System So Special? A Primer on the Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Lease, 4 LSU J. of Energy L. & Resources (2015)

Kerstie B. Moran, The Bureau of Land Management’s Finalized Hydraulic Fracturing Rule on Tribal Lands: A Responsibility or Intrusion? 39 Am. Indian L. Rev. 585 (2015)

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