Eminent Domain Resources


This Land Is Your Land? Eminent Domain Under the Natural Gas Act and State Sovereign Immunity, CRS Legal Sidebar LSB 10359 (Oct. 30, 2019)

History of the Federal Use of Eminent Domain, U.S. Department of Justice (last updated May 15, 2015)

William Baude, Rethinking the Federal Eminent Domain Power, The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 122, No. 7 (May 2013)

John F. McDonald, What is Public Use? Eminent Domain and the Kelo Decision, Cornell Real Estate Review, Vol. 5, Art. 4 (2007)

Daniel B. Kelly, The Public Use Requirement in Eminent Domain Law: A Rationale Based on Secret Purchases and Private Influence, Cornell Law Review, Vol. 92, Issue 1, Art. 1 (Nov. 2006)

Eminent Domain: Information about Its Uses and Effect on Property Owners and Communities Is Limited, U.S. Government Accountability Office (Nov. 2006)

Federal or FERC Pipeline Condemnation or Eminent Domain, Rothman & Gordon

Pennsylvania Pipeline Condemnation or Eminent Domain, Rothman & Gordon