Related Publications

Miscellaneous publications

Robert J. Skoumal et al., Induced Seismicity in the Delaware Basin, Texas, JGR Solid Earth (2020)

Lee Ann Kahlor et al., Public perceptions and information seeking intentions related to seismicity in five Texas communities, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2019)

Kelsee Kephart, The Vicissitude of Life: Meier v. Chesapeake Operating, Natural Resources, and Energy Journal (2019)

Michael R. Brudzinski and Maria Kozlowska, Seismicity induced by hydraulic fracturing and wastewater disposal in the Appalachian Basin, USA: a review (2019)

Richard T.J. Porter et al., Addressing the risks of induced seismicity in subsurface energy operations, Wiley Online Library (2018)

Kate Konschnik, Regulating Stability: State Compensation Funds for Induced Seismicity, Georgetown Environmental Law Review (2017)

Monika U. Ehrman, Earthquakes in the Oilpatch: The Regulatory and Legal Issues Arising out of Oil and Gas Operation Induced Seismicity, The University of Oklahoma College of Law, 33 Ga. State U. L. Rev. 609 (2017)

Charles Davis & Jonathan M. Fisk, Mitigating Risks from Fracking-Related Earthquakes: Assessing State Regulatory Decisions, Society & Natural Resources, An International Journal (2017)

Blake A. Watson, Fracking and Cracking: Strict Liability for Earthquake Damage Due to Wastewater Injection and Hydraulic Fracturing, University of Dayton School of Law (2016)

Lucas Satterlee, Injecting Earthquakes into the Energy Debate, 34 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 221 (2016)

James P. Logan, What’s Shakin’? Ladra v. New Dominion, LLC: A Case of Consequence for the Hydraulic Fracturing Industry and Those Affected by Induced Seismicity, 34 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 207 (2016)

Injection Wells and Earthquakes: Quantifying the Risk, a Report by Energy in Depth (2015)

Paula E. Finley, Bringing Down the House: The Regulation and Potential Liability of Induced Earthquakes, 4 LSU J. of Energy L. & Resources (2015)

Potential Injection-Induced Seismicity Associated with Oil & Gas Development: A Primer on Technical and Regulatory Considerations Informing Risk Management and Mitigation, States First (2015)

A White Paper Summarizing a Special Session on Induced Seismicity, Groundwater Research & Education Foundation Spotlight Series (2013)

White Paper II Summarizing a Special Session on Induced Seismicity, Groundwater Research & Education Foundation Spotlight Series (2013)