Water Quality

Department of the Interior Support for Tribal Water Projects, IF12616 (Updated May 10, 2024)

Class IV Carbon Sequestration Wells: Permitting and State Program Primacy, R48033 (April 16, 2024)

Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Cybersecurity Provisions, IN12311 (January 29, 2024)

Federally Supported Projects and Programs for Wastewater, Drinking Water, and Water Supply Infrastructure, R46471 (Updated September 29, 2023)

Status of Efforts to Restore Chesapeake Bay Water Quality, IF11402 (Updated June 30, 2023)

Waters of the United States (WOTUS): Frequently Asked Questions About the Scope of the Clean Water Act, R47408 (Updated June 22, 2023)

Supreme Court Narrows Federal Jurisdiction Under Clean Water Act, LSB10981 (June 21, 2023)

Safe Drinking Water Act: Proposed National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for Specified PFAS, IF12367 (March 30, 2023)

Water Resource Issues in the 118th Congress, R47440 (March 1, 2023)

Small Water Systems: Selected Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Provisions, R47315 (November 22, 2022)

The Clean Water Act at Fifty: Highlights and Lessons Learned from a Half Century of Transformative Legislation, TE10079 (September 20, 2022)

Clean Water Act Section 401: Overview and Recent Developments, R46615 (Updated August 24, 2022)

Redefining Waters of the United States (WOTUS): Recent Developments, R46927 (Updated July 8, 2022)

Delaware River Basin Restoration, IF12145 (June 27, 2022)

Supreme Court Revisits Scope of “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) Under the Clean Water Act, LSB10707 (March 11, 2022)

Regulating Contaminants Under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), R46652 (Updated January 5, 2022)

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA): Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure, R46892 (Updated January 4, 2022)

Contaminants of Emerging Concern Under the Clean Water Act, R45998 (Updated November 29, 2021)

What’s Next for WOTUS: Recent Litigation and Next Steps in Redefining “Waters of the United States”, LSB10646 (October 7, 2021)

Redefining Waters of the United States (WOTUS): Recent Developments, R46927 (September 30, 2021)

Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA): A Summary of the Act and Its Major Requirements, RL31243 (Updated July 1, 2021)

Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA): Water System Security and Resilience Provisions, IF11777 (March 1, 2021)

Water Resources Development Act of 2020, IF11700 (Updated January 5, 2021)

Uncharted Waters: Navigating the Supreme Court’s New Clean Water Act Permitting Test, LSB10528 (July 30, 2020)

Waters of the United States (WOTUS): Repealing and Revising the 2015 Clean Water Rule, IF11339 (October 23, 2019)

Land and Water Conservation Fund: Overview, Funding History, and Issues, RL33531 (Updated June 19, 2019)

Evolution of the Meaning of “Waters of the United States” in the Clean Water Act, R44585 (Updated March 5, 2019)

Wading Into the “Waters of the United States,” LSB10236 (December 28, 2018)

“Waters of the United States” (WOTUS): Current Status of the 2015 Clean Water Rule, R45424 (Updated December 12, 2018)

Overview of the Army Corps and EPA Rule to Define “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) and Recent Developments, IF10125 (Updated October 22, 2018)

Clean Water Rule Challenges Must Begin in Federal District Courts, Supreme Court Holds, LSB10069 (January 31, 2018)

Water Quality Issues in the 115th Congress: A Brief Overview, IF10598 (Updated August 15, 2017)

Energy-Water Nexus: The Water Sector’s Energy Use, R43200 (Updated January 24, 2017)

The Army Corps of Engineers’ Nationwide Permits Program: Issues and Regulatory Developments, RL97223 (Updated January 12, 2017)

EPA and the Army Corps’ Rule to Define “Waters of the United States,” R43455 (Updated January 5, 2017)

The “Waters of the United States” Rule: Legislative Options and 114th Congress Responses, R43943 (Updated December 29, 2016)

Controversies over Redefining “Fill Material” Under the Clean Water Act, RL31411 (Updated December 13, 2016)

Clean Water Act: A Summary of the Law, RL30030 (Updated October 18, 2016)

Clean Water Act Section 401: Background and Issues, RS97488 (Updated March 7, 2016)

Water Resource Issues in the 114th Congress, R43910 (Februar 11, 2015)

Shale Energy Technology Assessment: Current and Emerging Water Practices, R43635 (Updated July 14, 2014)

Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Use in California, IF10189 (July 2, 2014)

The EPA Draft Report of Groundwater Contamination Near Pavillion, Wyoming: Main findings and Stakeholder Responses, R42327 (Updated July 19, 2013)

Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA): Selected Regulatory and Legislative Issues, RL34201 (Updated January 31, 2011)

Water Quality Issues in the 111th Congress: Oversight and Implementation, R40098 (Updated January 11, 2011)

Energy’s Water Demand: Trends, Vulnerabilities, and Management, R41507 (Updated January 5, 2011)

Legislative Approaches to Defining “Waters of the United States,” R41225 (Updated December 29, 2010)