Exploration and Production

Class IV Carbon Sequestration Wells: Permitting and State Program Primacy, R48033 (April 16, 2024)

Changes in the Arctic: Background and Issues for Congress, R41153 (Updated March 19, 2024)

U.S. Interest in Seabed Mining in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Brief Background and Recent Developments, IF12608 (Updated March 18, 2024)

Outer Limits of the U.S. Extended Continental Shelf: Background and Issues for Congress, R47912 (February 7, 2024)

Implementing Agreements Under the United Nations Convention on the Law on the Sea (UNCLOS), IF12578 (January 29, 2024)

Five-Year Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing Program: History and Background, R44504 (Updated January 9, 2024)

Five-Year Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing Program: Status and Issues in Brief, R44692 (Updated January 8, 2024)

Energy Leasing and Agreement Authorities on Tribal Lands: In Brief, R47640 (August 2, 2023)

Energy and Mineral Provisions in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (P.L. 117-58), R47034 (Updated March 31, 2023)

Oil and Gas Technology and Geothermal Energy Development, R47405 (January 31, 2023)

Seabed Mining in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Issues for Congress, R47324 (December 5, 2022)

The Federal Role in Orphan Oil and Gas Well Reclamation, IF12134 (June 15, 2022)

Defense Production Act Authorities and U.S. Domestic Energy Supplies, IN11884 (Updated March 11, 2022)

Offshore Oil and Gas: Leasing “Pause,” Federal Leasing Review, and Current Issues, IF11909 (Updated April 29, 2022)

Unpaused: District Court Enjoins Biden Administration from “Pausing” Oil and Gas Leasing on Federal Land, LSB10627 (July 21, 2021)

Potential State Impacts of a Pause on Federal Onshore Oil and Natural Gas Leases, IF11785 (March 10, 2021)

Revenues and Disbursements from Oil and Natural Gas Production on Federal Lands, R46537 (September 22, 2020)

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR): Votes and Legislative Actions, 96th-114th Congresses, RL32838 (Updated July 30, 2020)

CO2 Underground Injection Regulations: Selected Differences for Enhanced Oil Recovery and Geologic Sequestration, IF11578 (June 16, 2020)

U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Transformation and Effects, IF11036 (December 3, 2018)

Natural Gas Liquids: The Unknown Hydrocarbons, R45398 (Updated October 26, 2018)

U.S. Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production in Federal and Nonfederal Areas, R42432 (Updated October 23, 2018)

Offshore Oil and Gas Development: Legal Framework, RL33404 (Updated April 13, 2018)

Oil and Gas Activities Within the National Wildlife Refuge System, R45192 (Updated May 9, 2018)

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR): An Overview, RL33872 (Updated January 9, 2018)

The Army Corps of Engineers’ Nationwide Permits Program: Issues and Regulatory Developments, RL97223 (Updated January 12, 2017)

An Overview of Unconventional Oil and Natural Gas: Resources and Federal Actions, R43148 (Updated Apri 22, 2015)

U.S. Shale Gas Development: Production, Infrastructure, and Market Issues, R43636 (Updated July 14, 2014)

Gas Hydrates: Resource and Hazard, RS22990 (Updated August 23, 2013)

U.S. Offshore Oil and Gas Resources: Prospects and Processes, R40645 (Updated February 10, 2012)

Drilling in the Great Lakes: Background and Issues, RL34741 (Updated July 29, 2010)

Outer Continental Shelf: Debate Over Oil and Gas Leasing and Revenue Sharing, RL33493 (Updated April 3, 2009)