Air Quality / Climate Change

Climate Change, Slow-Onset Disasters, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, IN11696 (Updated May 28, 2024)

EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), IF12387 (Updated May 21, 2024)

The Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) Program, IF11331 (Updated April 29, 2024)

Examining the State of Air Quality Monitoring Technology, TE10097 (April 10, 2024)

Emergency Response to Extreme Heat: Federal Financial Assistance and Considerations for Congress, R46873 (Updated April 9, 2024)

Supreme Court to Consider Request to Stay EPA’s Good Neighbor Interstate Air Pollution Rule, LSB11107 (Updated January 24, 2024)

DOE’s Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) and Carbon Removal Programs, IF11861 (January 19, 2024)

Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA): Provisions Related to Climate Change, R47262 (Updated October 26, 2023)

The Legal Framework for Federal Methane Regulation, IF12217 (September 5, 2023)

Environmental Provisions in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), IF10166 (Updated September 1, 2023)

Air Quality: EPA’s 2023 Proposed Changes to the Particulate Matter (PM) Standard, R47652 (August 16, 2023)

Environmental Justice and the National Environmental Policy Act, LSB11008 (July 19, 2023)

Solar Engineering and Climate Change, R47551 (May 9, 2023)

EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, IF11754 (March 20, 2023)

The Major Questions Doctrine, IF12077 (November 2, 2022)

Carbon Capture and Sequestration (OCS) in the United States, R44902 (October 5, 2022)

Clean Air Act: A Summary of the Act and Its Major Requirements, RL30853 (September 13, 2022)

Supreme Court Addresses Major Questions Doctrine and EPA’s Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, LSB10791 (July 12, 2022)

The Supreme Court’s “Major Questions” Doctrine: Background and Recent Developments, LSB10745 (May 17, 2022)

U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trends and Projections from the Inflation Reduction Act, R47385 (January 12, 2023)

Injection and Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide: Federal Role and Issues for Congress, R46192 (Updated September 22, 2022)

Clean Air Act: A Summary of the Act and its Major Requirements, RL30853 (September 13, 2022)

Inflation Reduction Act Methane Emissions Charge: In Brief, R47206 (Updated August 29, 2022)

Clean Air Act: A Summary of the Act and Its Major Requirements, RL30853 (Updated September 13, 2022)

Market-Based Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Legislation: 108th Through 117th Congresses, R45472 (Updated July 18, 2022)

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Sixth Assessment Report, R47082 (April 29, 2022)

Recent Litigation over the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases, LSB10736 (April 28, 2022)

How Climate Change May Affect the U.S. Economy, R47063 (April 4, 2022)

Advances in Satellite Methane Measurement: Implications for Fossil Fuel Industry Emissions Detection and Climate Policy, In Focus No. IF12072 (April 1, 2022)

Methane Emissions: A Primer, IF10752 (Updated March 16, 2022)

Climate Change Risk Disclosures and the Securities and Exchange Commission, R46766 (Updated February 17, 2022)

Congress’s Delegation of “Major Questions”: The Supreme Court’s Review of EPA’s Authority to Regulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions May Have Broad Impacts, LSB10666 (December 7, 2021)

Clean Air Act Issues in the 117th Congress, R46684 (Updated November 23, 2021)

EU Climate Action and U.S.-EU Relations, IF11431 (Updated November 9, 2021)

U.S. Climate Change Policy, R46947 (October 28, 2021)

Evolving Assessments of Human and Natural Contributions to Climate Change, R45086 (Updated August 11, 2021)

Looking Ahead: Regulating Methane from the Oil and Natural Gas Sector, LSB10622 (July 14, 2021)

Supreme Court Ruling May Affect the Fate of Climate Change Liability Suits, LSB10605 (June 4, 2021)

Climate Change: Defining Adaptation and Resilience, with Implications for Policy, IF11827 (May 11, 2021)

Climate Change: Selected Federal Economic Development Tools and Policy Considerations, IF11815 (April 22, 2021)

Climate Change Adaptation: Department of Commerce, R46743 (April 1, 2021)

Climate Change Adaptation: Department of the Interior, R46694 (February 25, 2021)

United States Rejoins the Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Options for Congress, IF11746 (Updated February 25, 2021)

Carbon Sequestration Legislation in the 116th Congress, IF11345 (Updated February 21, 2020)

A Brief Comparison of Two Climate Change Mitigation Approaches: Cap-and-Trade and Carbon Tax (or Fee), IF11103 (Updated January 12, 2021)

EPA’s Affordable Clean Energy Rule: In Brief, R46568 (October 15, 2020)

Methane and Other Air Pollution Issues in Natural Gas Systems, R42986 (Updated September 17, 2020)

EPA’s Affordable Clean Energy Rule and Related Issues: Frequently Asked Questions, R46482 (August 13, 2020)

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement: A Summary, R46204 (January 29, 2020)

EPA Repeals the Clean Power Plan and Finalizes Affordable Clean Energy Rule, IN11142 (Updated October 4, 2019)

Clean Air Act Issues in the 116th Congress, R45451 (Updated April 18, 2019)

Attaching a Price to Greenhouse Gas Emissions with a Carbon Tax or Emissions Fee: Considerations and Potential Impacts, R45625 (March 22, 2019)

EPA’s Affordable Clean Energy Proposal, R45393 (Updated November 2, 2018)

EPA Proposes the Affordable Clean Energy Rule to Replace the Clean Power Plan, LSB10198 (September 26, 2018)

The Clean Air Act’s Good Neighbor Provision: Overview of Interstate Air Pollution Control, R45299 (Updated August 30, 2018)

Clean Air Act Issues in the 115th Congress: In Brief, R44744 (Updated August 13, 2018)

White House Directs EPA to Review Air Quality Standards and Permitting Process, IN10891 (April 26, 2018)

EPA’s Proposal to Repeal the Clean Power Plan: Benefits and Costs, R45119 (Updated February 28, 2018)

EPA’s Methane Regulations: Legal Overview, R44615 (Updated January 24, 2018)

Respirable Crystalline Silica in the Workplace: New Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards, R44476 (Updated January 16, 2018)

EPA Proposes to Repeal the Clean Power Plan, LSB10016 (Updated January 4, 2018)

EPA’s Clean Power Plan for Existing Power Plants: Frequently Asked Questions, R44341 (Updated December 19, 2017)

Reconsidering the Clean Power Plan, R44992 (Updated October 25, 2017)

Cost and Benefit Considerations in Clean Air Act Regulations, R44840 (Updated May 5, 2017)

U.S. Climate Change Regulation and Litigation: Selected Legal Issues, R44807 (Updated April 13, 2017)

Keystone XL: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessments in the Final Environmental Impact Statement, R43415 (Updated April 5, 2017)

Clean Power Plan: Legal Background and Pending Litigation in West Virginia v. EPA, R44480 (Updated March 8, 2017)

Clean Air Issues in the 114th Congress, R43851 (Updated December 21, 2016)

Methane: An Introduction to Emission Sources and Reduction Strategies, R43860 (Updated November 18, 2016)

EPA’s Clean Power Plan: Highlights of the Final Rule, R44145 (Updated September 27, 2016)

Clean Air Permitting: Implementation and Issues, RL33632 (Updated September 1, 2016)

Air Quality: EPA’s 2013 Changes to the Particulate Matter (PM) Standard, R42934 (Updated December 23, 2015)

2013 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5): Designating Nonattainment Areas, R43953 (Updated December 23, 2015)

Greenhouse Gas Pledges by Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, R44092 (Updated October 19, 2015)

Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Assessment of Coal and Natural Gas in the Power Sector, R44090 (Updated June 26, 2015)

President Obama Pledges Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets as Contribution to 2015 Global Climate Change Deal, IF10239 (June 12, 2015)

EPA’s Proposed Clean Power Plan: Conversion to Mass-Based Emission Targets, R43942 (March 17, 2015)

Clean Air Issues in the 113th Congress: An Overview, R42895 (Updated January 6, 2015)

U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Recent Trends and Factors, R43795 (November 24, 2014)

President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, R43120 (Updated May 28, 2014)

Keystone XL: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessments in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, R43180 (Updated March 10, 2014)

EPA Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New Power Plants, R43127 (Updated November 15, 2013)

Air Quality Issues in Natural Gas Systems, R42833 (Updated April 16, 2013)

The National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Particulate Matter (PM): EPA’s 2006 Revisions and Associated Issues, RL34762 (Updated March 14, 2013)

2006 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5): Designating Nonattainment Areas, R40096 (Updated February 20, 2013)

Clean Air Issues in the 112th Congress, R41563 (Updated December 31, 2012)

Controlling Air Emissions from Outer Continental Shelf Sources: A Comparison of Two Programs – EPA and DOI, R42123 (Updated November 26, 2012)

Air Quality: EPA’s 2012 Proposed Changes to the Particulate Matter (PM) Standard, R42671 (Updated November 19, 2012)

Methane Capture: Options for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction, R40813 (Updated January 7, 2011)

Clean Air Issues in the 111th Congress, R40145 (Updated December 7, 2010)

EPA’s BACT Guidance for Greenhouse Gases from Stationary Sources, R41505 (November 22, 2010)

Particulate Matter (PM2.5): Implementation of the 1997 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), RL32431 (Updated August 24, 2010)

Market-Based Greenhouse Gas Control: Selected Proposals in the 111th Congress, R40556 (Updated May 18, 2010)