December 15, 2022

Legal Planning for Specialty Crop Producers: PA’s Ag Area Security Law, Right-to-Farm, ACRE, and More

On December 14, 2022, the Center for Agricultural and Shale Law conducted another presentation in our ongoing series for specialty crop producers: Legal Planning for Specialty Crop Producers: Understanding Liability Protections, Regulatory Processes, and Other Legal Risks. These presentations are part of a multi-part 2022 educational series to assist Pennsylvania specialty crop producers successfully augment wholesale sales revenue with income from direct sales, pick-your-own, value-added commodity processing, or agritourism, agritainment & educational activities. The purpose of these workshops and webinars is to educate producers about the prevention and planning necessary to best avoid contractual, tort, and regulatory liabilities in conducting income-augmenting activities.

The latest presentation is titled: Understanding PA’s Ag Area Security Law, Right-To-Farm Act, ACRE, and Clean & Green Program for Specialty Crop Producers. This topic provided education for producers on how to understand the scope of, and potentially employ, the various statutory protections in Pennsylvania law for agricultural operations, and frequently also available in other jurisdictions. It also examined business operation limitations that arise from voluntary enrollment in governmental benefit programs which seek to preserve agricultural uses of land.

A recording of this presentation will be made available to anyone who registers for this series.

More information and materials on this series can be found on the Legal Planning for Specialty Crop Producers event page.
