Grain Dealer Regulatory Compilation
In the United States, statutes regulating grain dealers vary widely state to state and often include provisions relating to bonding, indemnity funds, licensing, auditing, failure, liens, and penalties. The National Agricultural Law Center has created a resource compiling these statutes in a chart organized by state and specific provisions. This resource, Regulation & Requirements for Grain Dealers, provides a convenient method to see which provisions apply to each state. The National Agricultural Law Center has also created a resource for grain warehouses, Regulation & Requirements for Grain Warehouses, which is not referenced in the research here.
Here, we have built upon the National Agricultural Law Center’s grain dealer research and provided a more detailed look at these regulations. Most of the regulatory provisions (bonding, indemnity funds, licensing, etc.) can be broken down into additional sections. The research here provides a way to examine each of these sections and compare the language from state to state. To view this research, click on the links below and use the table of contents to navigate the page.