HomeAbout the CenterThe CASL Ledger
The CASL Ledger2023-10-05T16:08:28-04:00

The CASL Ledger

The Penn State Center for Agricultural and Shale Law (“Ag Law Center”) conducts research and educational programs on agricultural and energy law topics. Through its programs, the Ag Law Center serves a wide variety of stakeholders including agricultural producers, landowners, mineral interest and royalty owners, business professionals, judges, attorneys, legislators, government officials, community groups, and the general public. Listed below are highlights of the resources provided by the Ag Law Center during the past month.

The CASL Ledger – December 2020

PUBLICATIONS The Agricultural Law Weekly Review provides updates on the most recent legal developments in agriculture and can be found every week on the Penn State Agricultural Law Blog.  The latest installments were written by Center staff attorney Brook Duer and research assistant Audry Thompson: Agricultural Law Weekly Review—week ending November 27, 2020 Agricultural Law Weekly Review—week ending December 4, 2020 Agricultural Law Weekly Review—week ending December 11, 2020 Agricultural Law Weekly Review—week ending December [...]

December 31st, 2020|The CASL Ledger|

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